How to tune into the subtle energies to feel crystals
One of the things you can do to enable yourself and enhance your ability to sense energy, is to work with things that have a subtle energy.
So, I was walking my cute hubby through opening to feel subtle energies. And when we were through, he suggested that I put this information out there for you. Thanks, my Love!!
One of the things you can do to enable yourself and enhance your ability to sense energy, is to work with things that have a subtle energy.
Crystals, stones, plants of all types and trees all have a more subtle energy to that of humans. It is pretty simple to feel, but to initially feel these items you’ll need a slightly different approach than you would with another person’s energy.
If you aren’t currently tuned into the subtle energy fields, this is a good way to open yourself to them. And with being tuned into them, you will enhance your empathic abilities and your clairs will also get a work out. So it’s a win, win! Let’s get started.
What you need:
Crystal or stone (whatever you are drawn to is perfect)
Place your crystal or stone into your non-dominant hand. Use the opposite hand of the one you use to write. And allow the stone to sit in your palm, but refrain from squeezing or gripping it tightly. Simply close your fingers gently around your crystal.
Close your eyes.
Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Once relaxed, move forward.
Speak a greeting to your stone. Ex: Hi beautiful crystal. I’m excited to work with you today.
Move your focus and attention to the hand that is not holding your stone.
Observe things about the way this hand feels. It is empty. Notice how it feels. The temperature, or how air feels as it crosses your palm. How it is not weighted by holding something. Do this for however long you like until you feel that you understand as much as you can about how your empty hand feels.
Now shift your focus and attention to the hand holding the stone.
Observe the way this hand feels. Notice the warmth. Feel the weight of the stone. What type of texture does it have? Notice that you can feel the shape of the stone as it sits in your palm. Is there anythings else you can feel?
Feel into the space where the stone and your hand meets. Can you sense a difference in this space when compared to your empty hand. Go ahead and move your focus and attention between the empty hand and the one with the crystal a few times. See if you can really feel the difference between the two.
Focus again on the hand with the crystal. Do you feel a subtle throb in your hand that is touching your stone? Do you also feel a high paced pulsation? If so, you’re doing it!! You are feeling the energy of your stone.
A few things to try once you’ve mastered sensing the energy of a stone:
Try to draw this vibration up from your hand, into your arm.
Pull the energy into your body.
Allow the energy of this stone to merge with your energy.
Ask the stone if it has anything it would like to teach you, or offer you. Sit with an open, still mind and allow this stone to give you mental, emotional and sometimes physical, but still very energetic, messages. They will be subtle fluctuations at first. But with practice, you will be able to feel subtle energy without touching the host.
You will also begin to feel the immediate changes within your energy field and will know immediately what this stone offers you.
Instead of receiving the energy, send your energy to the stone. Sense whether that stone can receive. Maybe it serves as an amplifier? Perhaps it simply allows your energy to flow right through it. Or, it could draw your energy into a finite beam or stream of light.
Just play around, and see what your stone does with your energy.
Try to communicate with the stone, use your psychic abilities, and in other ways.
Through repeated practice you will become adept at sensing subtle energies. Repeat these steps with many different types of stones.
And once you are able to easily sense the energy from stones, move to potted plants, trees and small animals. Remember to treat the plants, trees and animals with the same respect you would appreciate. They are sentient beings. And like us, they do not respond well to intrusive, rude behavior. So, always greet them and give them love. Then ask permission to work with their energy as well as yours. If you feel that you have permission, continue.
And remember to keep whatever you do of the highest and most respectful energies. You are communicating after all, so use the same love you would use with your favorite people.
Enjoy your journey into the subtle energies! Before you know it, you’ll be playing with and sensing the energies of your Guides, Angels, beings of light, and your star family - because their energy is subtle too!
So much love to you!!
You're A Medium: Tips To Help You Navigate This New World
Are you seeing, hearing or feeling things that aren’t physical? For example, do you see images of shadowy people out of the corner of your eye? Do you hear people talking to you that aren’t physically there, either in your head or audibly? Do you feel people walk around in your space, stand beside your bed, or hang out (like creepers lol) in your closets and bathrooms? Do you have a strong knowing that someone is always in your space or around you?
If so, you’re likely opening to your mediumship qualities. It’s a thing. Lol We all have mediumship qualities and can access them at any time. So... You’re a medium. What’s next?
As someone who has been a medium since I was young, I want to share some things I’ve learned over the years, along with some tips. My hope is that this information will alleviate some of the trial and error while empowering you with knowledge. Think of this as a jumping off point.
Are you seeing, hearing or feeling things that aren’t physical? For example, do you see images of shadowy people out of the corner of your eye? Do you hear people talking to you that aren’t physically there, either in your head or audibly? Do you feel people walk around in your space, stand beside your bed, or hang out (like creepers lol) in your closets and bathrooms? Do you have a strong knowing that someone is always in your space?
If so, you’re likely opening to your mediumship qualities. It’s a thing. Lol We all have mediumship qualities and can access them at any time. So... You’re a medium. What’s next?
As someone who has been an open medium since I was young, I want to share some things I’ve learned over the years, along with some tips. My hope is that this information will alleviate some of the trial and error while empowering you with knowledge. Think of this as a jumping off point.
How does this medium thing work?
As a medium, you will always attract those who have left their Earthly bodies. It doesn't matter where you live or where Gaia's portals exist. Spirits can and will be attracted to your vibration. It’s like a beacon of light in the dark. The key is to maintain a vibration (mental, emotional, and physical) that attracts beings and experiences that you enjoy. Drop the fear, doubt, and mistrust and embrace this as a fun experiment. Changing your viewpoint is the start to choosing the types of experiences you want.
How do I know that I can do this medium thing?
Personal power is a key to most everything in this world. Mediumship is no exception. We are beautiful, expansive beings that exist as more than just what is here in the physical. We are eternal and are powerful at manifesting. This world is our playground. This is our space to define and create as we see fit. We hold the rights to our spaces. Meaning, anyone or anything that wants to hang out in our space requires our permission to stay. So naturally, we have the ability and power to tell other beings to leave us alone, remove themselves from our space, or remove them ourselves. We hold the power through free will. It’s as simple as a direct command. Such as: Leave me alone. Go to the light. Seek assistance elsewhere, I’m not ready. Any of these phrases, when spoken through your personal power, with confident intent, will remove any being from your presence.
Personal power also enables us to know we are to be of service. Whether it is for someone who has crossed over, someone who is still living but has lost someone close to them, or simply by communicating only with the high realms of etheric beings – we can choose how to use our mediumship skills. Your choice will be easy. You follow whichever of these paths you are drawn to the most. For some of you, one path will call to you. For others, it will be a combination of the paths. And some of you will be called to utilize all the mediumship paths or aspects. In the end, you can choose how you direct and use your mediumship qualities.
How do I manage being a medium?
It is up to you to know your own power, and govern how you allow beings to interact with you and in your spaces. You do this through setting up parameters or rules for the types of interaction that are allowed, and those that will not be permitted. The parameters are set through intention and will. You state your intentions with emotion, unequivocally, that "insert your rules and parameters here" is the way it works with you. You believe in your statements with all your heart - no doubt or wavering. Then ask your Guides and the Angels to manage the types of beings allowed to communicate with you and state that your intention is to ONLY communicate with those beings who are here for your highest and best good. (If you aren’t sure who your Guides are, read my Guides 101 blog post to get yourself started.)
How do I ensure that only good beings are attracted to me?
One way to do this is to commit to yourself and the universe that you are on a path of love and light. (I did this at age twenty and created a little ceremony with a friend.) Ask your High Self, High Guides, Angels, Galactic Family, Luminous Ancestors, and Ascended Masters to bring you experiences with spirits and beings that will further and enhance your spiritual growth in fun, joyful, loving, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, and easy ways. Then work diligently on your own personal vibration. We attract who and what we currently are – so focus on becoming the most harmonious, bright, and shiny version of yourself that you can be. Do your inner work and shadow work to clear the trauma, beliefs, programming, and creations that are playing a part in your denser consciousness.
How do I enhance my abilities so that I experience through clarity?
You ask your High Self, Angels, High Guides, Galactic Family, Luminous Ancestors, and Ascended Masters (Soul Team) to assist you in opening, expanding and bringing clarity to your Soul Senses in effortless ways, so that you can embrace your experiences without fear of the unknown. Begin daily exercises that hone your Soul Senses (The Clairs). There is a wealth of knowledge out there on honing your Clairs. Seek out what you are attracted to and try it out for a week. If that method doesn’t fit well with you, seek out another method. If it is a good fit for you, continue with the method or methods and have fun doing it. The energy of play is one of the fastest ways to achieve your desired results.
How can I go from being afraid to feeling confident with my experiences?
Understand that spirits will often share their emotions with you. Sometimes those emotions are not happy. This can happen for many reasons, such as they are reliving their death state, great loss during their life, or are focused on their unfinished business. You will need to hone your empathic skills so that you can easily differentiate between what is yours versus what is someone else’s. Side note: This will also be very helpful for you in your day to day life with those who are still living.
It is also important that you ask your Soul Team to do whatever is needed or required to assure that you are fully supported and protected during every moment, amidst and outside your interactions. This comes through belief in yourself and your Guides. Belief and trust are choices, just like happiness and love.
How do I know if I can trust who I am communicating with?
Ask your Soul Team to help you with spiritual discernment through experiences that are easy to understand and manage, and that are also fun, joyful, loving, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, and easy. Communicating with the dead or other beings who aren’t physical is similar to communicating with everyday people. If you’re attentive, it is simple to tell if you are communicating with someone living or crossed over who is choosing to be positive or negative. Notice how you feel in the first few seconds of meeting their energy. I say the first few seconds because I’ve found that to be the time before our minds start to process what is happening. And though an important part of ourselves, our minds can color our spiritual experiences if we allow them to rule. Our feelings are our compass. And in spiritual experiences it helps if we are an objective observer before we analyze or take an action.
How can I feel charged instead of drained by all of this?
Understand that you are a limitless being with a constant source of energy. If you feel depleted, you need only call more light to yourself.
Begin to practice cord dissolving (cord cutting) and call your energy back to you. These practices work both with the living and the dead.
You will also want to spend as much time each week as you can in nature. It will charge you, cleanse your field, and ground you to Gaia - which helps us to understand our power, center and ground ourselves, calm our thoughts and emotions, and see things clearly. We are designed to be in nature often. So naturally, it provides a multitude of wonderful things for us and our various systems.
How can I protect myself and my space if I am feeling overwhelmed, experiencing too many beings, or negative beings?
You begin a schedule for cleansing yourself and your home on a highly regular basis. During times like this, you’ll want to be clearing, cleansing, filling and charging yourself and your home on a daily basis. Once things die down, you can go to once or twice a week or whatever feels aligned. Eventually, it will be less. But while you're opening, exploring, and learning about your gifts - it will benefit you to do it more. You can also do a deep cleanse once a week unless you feel you need to do it more often. But it’s helpful to be diligent and constant about burning sage, Palo Santo wood, other magically charged incense, magically charged candles, or the Angel related candles every day - fill your rooms with those beautiful vibes. Be mindful of the types you choose, as the energy they provide does matter. Think about using things that exude love, light, happiness, joy, protection, peace, purification, serenity, calm, etc... And use rose water or other essential oil combinations to spray around your home. You can also use them in baths or add them to your shower wash - just like adding salt. Speaking of baths, sea salt baths are a must and help reset your energies when regularly. They purify and clear you – which is super important. You can go with fancy salts or simply use table salt. It all works. Lol Adding oils to your baths and for use around your home will enhance your energy and the energy of your spaces. I used to exercise my love of creating tinctures, combining oils, and creating incense blends through inspiration found in the book:
“Incense, Oils, And Brews”, by Scott Cunningham. And I also use, “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia Of Magical Herbs”, also by Scott Cunningham.
AND The Dabblist has a recipe for how to create rose oil from scratch. This is lovely for use on your skin. (Tip: florists will often sell loose petals at a discount.)
AND I use the same method as The Natural Living Idea's method for creating room spray. The vodka keeps the solution from turning quickly by acting as a preservative. Add sea salt to the mix. Toss a small, tumbled rose quartz into the bottle and tah-dah! Instant LOVE spray that also purifies. lol
Basically, rose water is a medium’s bff. It has a super high vibration of love. Love trumps everything of a lower vibration. And sage... Sage is as equally our bff. It clears energetic cobwebs, lower vibrations, purifies and adds soft, gentle, and loving energies instead.
You can do all of these suggestions, or none of them. If you are adept at working in your own energy fields, that is often more than enough. Trust and rely on your intuition and discernment, as they always guide you on the highest path for you.
For more information about coping with negative entities, I suggest that you read: “Do You Have Dark Entities? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them.”
What should I do to start raising my vibration?
Meditate as often as you can. Meditation is key. If you want to know a few of my meditation tips, read Meditation Tips And Tricks. Then try any of the following: Yoga, Reiki, chi gong, light body meditations, shadow work, light work, etc. And explore what fits with you spiritually by trying out new spiritual outlets which you find exciting. Make your spiritual practices a part of your daily life. Even if you only have 15 minutes in the am and 15 minutes in the pm - make it a joyful ritual.
Anything and everything you do to harmonize and raise your vibration, and keep it raised, will determine what types of beings you attract. The higher you are, the higher the beings with which you can communicate. If you are bombarded by lower vibrating beings, these practices will lessen and soon remove your visibility to them.
These beings are often messengers, bringing attention to elements of our consciousness that are invisible to us but are ready to shift. We attract what we are a match for (even unconsciously). So, if I'm attracting lower vibrating beings —it's time for me to get real about my thoughts and emotions. I go introspective and determine where I can adjust my vibration to elevate out of being harmonic with denser vibrations. I also ask my Team to gently illuminate what makes me harmonic with said experience, and then I ask them to help in any ways needed to assist me in releasing, healing, transmuting, and bringing everything back within the wholeness that I (and you) always are. I do the inner work while honoring and embracing the truth of my inner situation being reflected in my external reality. Then, I either ask my Soul Team to assist me to raise my frequency and vibration while thinking and feeling about what I desire to experience now… Or, I breathe in light and do practices with intention to raise my own vibration.
You will figure out what works best for you as soon as you experiment with raising your vibration.
I know this is a lot to process. Choose whatever methods work for you at whatever time, and with whatever experiences you are encountering. I recommend doing all my tips at least once. I still reaffirm most of them periodically as a part of my personal rituals and sacred practices. Get creative in finding your own methods and practices. Alter my suggestions and see what happens – look for the effect. Use these tips as jumping off points to customize for yourself. Doing that will help you build your own sense of power. Make it a fun game. See the experiences as both a time to play and as challenges for you to expand your mediumship and spiritual repertoire. And as with anything in this world, only do what fits or feels right for you. This is your journey, you are the navigator. So, take initiative and enjoy your mediumship exploration! I am here for questions. If they arise, simply comment below.
I hope you found “You’re A Medium: Tips to Help You Navigate This New World.” useful and informative. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences.
Thank you for reading. So much love to you... See you in the next post!
Photo Credit: Javier Rodriguez on Pixabay
Guides 101
Guides, guides, guides!!
They are one of my favorite topics of conversation. Mainly because I love my guides immensely and assisting others in finding theirs, tickles me a little on the inside. (I’m talking about feeling joy, people. lol)
I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve been asked about guides - so many!
Guides, guides, guides!!
They are one of my favorite topics of conversation. Mainly because I love my guides immensely and assisting others in finding theirs, tickles me a little on the inside. (I’m talking about feeling joy, people. lol)
I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve been asked about guides (so many!). I’ve narrowed the inquiries down to four questions we’ll begin with, which are:
Who are guides?
Do I have guides?
What can guides do for me?
How do I meet and connect with my guides?
So, let’s get started!
Who are guides?
They are our friends, team, helpers, teachers and soul family. Guides are friends and family who are on the other side. So your favorite aunt, grandparents, parents, friends and others who no longer have physical bodies. Those of us who have chosen not to incarnate during this life so they can assist from beyond. And they are also Angels and other ascended beings, which include our higher and master guides.
Do I have guides?
Yes, Each and every one of us has guides. It’s an agreement or contract (if you will) that we make before our soul enters physicality. We do so because this life and existence is so dense and intense that we understand we need guidance. Our perception is limited to the constructs of this reality, so we rely on our soul family! They aren’t limited to a third dimension, earthly vantage point. Time and space does not really exist for them, not in the way it does for us. They see all points of our time, as existing in the same moment or space. I know... it’s a mind-blowing concept for many people. But time is an illusion (of a sort), that exists within the third dimension — in our world. And it is because their perception isn’t limited, that their knowledge is vast. They see and understand what we currently cannot.
What can guides do for me?
Anything! Well, anything that is harmonic with your soul’s purpose and desired experiences. But we must ask! Ask for guidance and assistance. We have free will. They cannot intervene in matters we set in motion and create - unless asked. So, ask!
My guides do everything with me! Seriously, anything and everything... From things that are seemingly unimportant to those things that are immensely important. They assist in locating lost or misplaced items. They aid me in making decisions. Bring positive situations and desired outcomes into my realm of creation. And I am a woman with zillions of questions and have been since I was a small child. So, they answer (so many!) questions about:
Life, my life, people, the world, history, the future, spiritual concepts, how the universe and cosmos work, information about God, Source or the All and all of its creations (However you label it, it is the same being.), as well as information for others regarding healing and spiritual development. And just recently I received information again on humanity as a whole and how we move forward on our collective path, in a positive way. (I’ll include this in another post and video. It’s on my list!) Seriously, this list could go on and on and on. But I’ll stop here as I think you’ve gotten the gist. Basically, guides give us what we seek, as long as we ask, and it’s harmonic.
And we’ve reached our final question!
How do I meet and connect with my guides?
I would say initially, that this is a three step process.
Step one: If you haven’t already, I suggest you acknowledge them. You can do so out loud or in your head, whatever you feel comfortable doing. Start by saying, “Hi. I know you exist and acknowledge you.” Or, “Hey guides. I know you’re there.” Or something like, “Hi! I hear you’re with me. I would like to know for sure.” Which brings me to my second step...
Step two: Ask them for signs of their presence. You can include this step along with step one. “Hi. I know you exist and acknowledge you. I would like you to give me signs of your presence.” Their chosen signs will be meaningful. Things that already have meaning to you, and things that elicit a desirable emotional response in you. Then you must look for these signs. Be mindful and attentive in your daily life. They will give you signs repeatedly. So, look for things that repeat. Pay attention to the small details during your days. If you see something in a repeating pattern, that is your guides telling you they are with you. And when you see these signs, take a moment to feel grateful. Gratefulness will bring more to you. I’ll also add that you should expect to receive the signs. Your expectation will serve as an non verbalized intention, which is a factor in manifestation. It is a permission of a sort, that will allow them to ride that manifestation wave.
My guides use many things to communicate with me. Each sign means something a bit different from the other, or is used to communicate a particular message depending on the need. I receive dragonflies, doves, crows, butterflies — those little white and yellow ones that I call buttercup butterflies as they remind me of the flowers. They also use double, triple and quadruple digit numbers, such as 222 and 2222, 333 and 3333, 444 and 4444 to communicate with me. They do so because these numbers are a close match to their vibrational frequency. So a few of my guides may resonate with 2222, while others may resonate with 4444. They use each of the numbers 1-9 in this way.
Step three: Ask for guidance and assistance. I suggest you do this step once you are able to receive, acknowledge and trust the signs you are given. They will communicate with you through all of your claires. (Claires are our soul’s senses, I will list them below in this post.) And your guides will also sound and feel like you. This is because they are a part of you and have always been with you. They are our family. We know them on a soul level.
Generally, I’ve found that they sound like me, just softer (but not always). What do I mean when I say, “they sound like me”? When you hear yourself think, it’s your voice in your head going over your plans or dialoguing about this and that. Initially, guides will often speak in your voice. You can hear them in your head, and some will hear them audibly. Once you can recognize their energy, you will be able to differentiate when they are speaking from your own internal chatter. You can also ask them for assistance to discern and know when they are speaking, as opposed to when it's you.
Basically, they will speak to us through our intuition. So pay attention and always trust your intuition. Whether it‘s your internal voice, a feeling or vibe, a moment of knowing, a glimpse in your mind’s eye or a combination of these — trust it! We’ve all experienced moments where we ignored what our intuition encouraged us to or not to do, and ended up in sticky situations. Avoid the stickiness! Trust yourself and listen to your inner compass. Many times that compass will be your guides.
Oh! And there is no need to fear or worry about your guides. They only have our highest and best concern at heart. To do otherwise would be to do so to themselves. It would be pointless, literally. So, if you’re hearing, feeling, knowing or glimpsing something negative... It’s not your guides. It’s probably your ego and sounds like you’ll want to put it in check. Guides only speak positively and of a beneficial nature.
Well, that’s it for this post. I hope you enjoyed Guides 101 and found it useful. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences with guides.
I hope everything is beautiful in your world! Much love... and shine brightly! See you in the next post.
As promised:
Clairvoyant: clear seeing
Claircognitive: clear knowing
Clairaudient: clear hearing
Clairsentient: clear feeling
Clairsalience: clear smelling
Clairtangency: clear touching
Clairgustance: clear tasting
The Making Of A Miracle For Mary: Gathering Higher Beings And A Request Of The Ascended Masters
By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats.
Some of you know that my beautiful mother, Mary, has recently been in the hospital. Friday, November 18, 2016, she had an aortic aneurysm that ruptured and dissected down to her abdomen. At the first hospital’s E.R., we were descriptively and repeatedly told about her grim odds and to prepare for her passing. Most people with this condition don’t live to be picked up by the ambulance, nor make it to the hospital. This particular Ft. Worth hospital didn’t have a Thoracic surgeon on staff and they were having no luck finding one who was available to immediately perform her surgery. They said she would die if she didn’t receive surgery within three hours. (It is here where my story will begin. But first, I’ll tell you the short version of Mom’s hospitalization details.) Eight and a half hours after reaching the first hospital, she was transferred to Baylor Dallas. Still fully conscious and communicating, it was here that she was given anesthesia and had a nine and a half hour heart surgery to repair her aortic valve, the aorta, and the dissected vein. Then just three hours after the first surgery, she underwent a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines where a blockage was located. And on day eleven, her recovery led to her release from the hospital. On my birthday, November 28, 2016, my amazing mother went home!! Best birthday present, EVER!!! A 1% survival rate and she is on the road to recovery!! It’s incredible. And it’s a miracle! Even the doctors and nurses were calling her Miracle Mary. And I, for one, hope that nickname sticks. lol
My Mom is an amazing, strong, gifted woman whose unconditional love and support has awarded her a miracle. A special note of thankfulness and gratitude must be made for the huge network of prayer warriors, thought supporters, magical people and energy healers who have also played your roles and assisted with her miracle and healing. Though I will discuss my active role here, I want to express how massively important all of you are. Each of you are instrumental in Mom receiving the miracle and with her continued accelerated healing. My family and I are grateful for each and every one of you.
By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats.
For a few months now, my Guides have been encouraging me to “learn and remember” many different things. Upon looking back, they’ve actually been preparing me for this very moment. They have done so, by introducing various aspects I would need to request assistance for Mom. One of these aspects is a meditation. It allows a connection to Source, grounding and connecting to Gaia, alignment of Chakras, clearing and expansion of the “Clairs,” and expansion into Source energy. I’ve been doing this particular meditation for a couple of months now. And I truly believe that it helped facilitate my ability to do what I’m about to share.
During what was the longest ride from Dallas to Ft. Worth… I asked the Guides to guide the minds, hands, heads and hearts of anyone who was assisting my Mom. And that each one of them, be open to that guidance. Upon arriving in the Ft. Worth hospital emergency room, my Mother’s doctor began telling Scott and me about the gravity of her condition. Amongst many other things, he said her aorta was shredded, one kidney was blown, the other was barely hanging on. He said her liver was in failure. He urged us to prepare for the worst, saying she would die if she didn’t have surgery within three hours. He also told us that none of the hospitals in Ft. Worth could take her. And although their hospital has a division who handles the acquisition of appropriate surgeons for situations like this, he was personally calling contacts at other hospitals. (His tenacity is greatly appreciated.)
We were in shock, and I felt the gravity of her situation just by looking at her and her condition. Yet amongst the surface layer turmoil, I had a strange sense of calm emanating from deep within my soul. As he was speaking, very little of what he was saying rang true. It’s like all those words rang as a note of discord. So, I immediately reached upward and outward for my Guides, Mom’s Guides, David’s Guides, Scott’s Guides and Anthony's Guides. If ever there were a time for their help, it was now. We needed all the assistance we could get from the higher realms. So as the doctor is loudly blurting out the dire facts of her situation, I felt an urge and began to use the techniques I had been practicing.
In less than a minute, I expanded upward, connecting to Source. I drew in Source energy, filling my body and allowing it to shoot as a cord into Gaia. Gaia bounced her energy combined with Source energy back to me, flooding my body. I then expanded all this energy upward and outward. Within seconds I had expanded past my usual eleven dimensions and kept going farther than I had ever contemplated before. And once expanded, I reached out for assistance using my consciousness. The request went something like: “I call upon all high vibrating beings who can provide assistance and facilitate healing for my Mother, Mary. If ever there were a time for your help, it is now. Please assist in any way needed until she is well. I give you full permission.”
Immediately, I could sense my request was being answered. I felt Guides, Angels, beings of light and many other beings I had yet to meet (as Bridget). And suddenly, I became aware of what “holding space” meant. I instinctively knew that I was to hold space for the manifestation of the request I had made. Once I felt everyone’s higher realm energy, I then requested: “We need the best surgeon for my Mom’s condition. And we need a hospital who can accept her and perform surgery immediately.” As soon as I thought those words, the doctor’s phone rang and Southwestern hospital told him they could not take her. I was unwavering in holding space through that call. I began to understand that my role was to remain in a higher vibration, maintain a strong knowing that the request would manifest - hold belief, hope and faith and emanate these states of being to everyone else.
After giving my Mother Reiki, speaking of her beautiful Granddaughters, telling her I love her and to fight - I exited the room and began to walk down the hall to Scott. (My amazing husband was currently making calls to the family who needed to know about the situation. He was literally perfect in the chaos, handling everything I hadn’t yet considered. I love this man so much!) As I’m walking down the hall toward Scott, feeling the divine assistance, I received a series of images and ideas. Someone was reminding me of meeting Buddha a year or so ago. They were guiding me to follow his energy and communicating about the Christ blueprint over Earth, miracles, and Jesus. As I remained in an expanded state… I instinctively felt for Buddha’s beautiful, deity-like energy. And with this action and intent, I held the thought of requesting a miracle from Jesus.
In doing so, I arrived in a large, circular area. Evenly spaced around the edges of the circular area were giant, white, stone thrones (think temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel - in size). Upon each throne was an Ascended Master in their immense, deity-like, energetic form (well… a fraction of their form, anyway lol). I arrived facing Jesus but could feel Buddha behind me to the right. I could sense all the Ascended Masters’ attention. Knowing that I had Jesus’s focus and was connected, I said, “I request grace and a miracle for my Mother, Mary.” Instantaneously, I knew my request was granted. A few things struck me about this experience. Unlike before when I met Buddha, my energy was not small and human-like in size. I was instead, much larger. And although I was requesting from Jesus, I did not feel beneath him or below him. I felt connected, oneness and a presence of equality. Though I perceived him as being on a throne (of a sort) - Jesus was not on a pedestal, and I found these things to be both illuminating and validating.
As I reached Scott, I was feeling the stress and shock of the situation on the surface of me, Bridget. But internally, I was unwavering in holding space for Mom’s miracle and healing. I knew I had to release all attachments to the outcome, but still hold faith, hope, and positivity. Shortly after this moment, the doctor loudly answered another call from the other end of the hall. Baylor had accepted Mom. They were prepping CareFlite. My requests were already being manifested.
Once at Baylor, we found out that Mom’s thoracic surgeon is the best in his field and at repairing her particular condition. Miracle! And though she had spent so many hours without the majority of her blood being pumped to her major organs… The nurses informed us that Mom’s kidneys were not blown and that she was not yet in liver failure. Miracle! At this point, Mom was still lucid and speaking. She’s so amazingly strong. Each time I saw her during this period, I was struck by her ability to fight and persevere. She was not going down for the count!
Eight and a half hours after first experiencing the aortic aneurysm and dissection, she was taken into surgery. A surgery we were told would take twelve to eighteen hours, went picture perfect, only taking nine and a half hours. Miracle! We were told that she had three blockages they were going to watch closely. The blockages were caused by the dissection and lack of proper blood flow to all her major organs. One was in the vein leading to her kidney, the second in the vein leading to her liver, and the third in the vein leading to her intestines. Fortunately, her kidney and liver blockages cleared quickly as her blood began pumping strongly again. But just three hours after her open heart surgery, she went in for a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines. It too went perfectly.
All the while, everyone who loves Mom or any of us were praying, sending positive thoughts, lighting candles and directing healing energy to Mom. Some brought gifts to make our stay comfortable. And that lounge area was packed with family and family-friends. Numerous people came, some for short visits and others stayed for days. The family was there, on both Mom and David’s sides. To show their love and support, many people had come from Lubbock, Possum Kingdom, Allen, Frisco, deep Ft. Worth, Mineral Wells, and Arlington - traveling all the way to Deep Ellum . Everyone had multiple stories to share about Mom and how she touched their lives. It was beautiful to listen as family and family-friends spoke about the love, joy and support Miracle Mary gives so freely. I felt grateful that she is cherished by so many people. And although we were all stressed and in shock, I was pleasantly surprised to experience most everyone chose to stay in a positive vibration, holding hope and faith… Unconsciously assisting in holding space. (This was so good!)
Mom’s ICU recovery time began, and we were informed that she would likely remain in ICU for seven to nine days, then move to the tenth floor for at least two weeks. As her grace and miracle continued to unfold, her strength, determination, and perseverance became hugely obvious. She was recovering in record time. The ICU nurses and a couple doctors began referring to her as “Miracle Mary”. And with every passing day, her internal strength began to show through her body. The grace and miracle were working in her favor. And so, having been checked in, rushed to surgery and placed in an ICU room at Baylor on the 19th of December - she was moved to the 10th floor on Thanksgiving day!! David’s family brought Thanksgiving dinner to the hospital and the four of us celebrated. And just three days later, she was recovered enough to be sent home. More of her grace and miracle in action! (And the best birthday present - EVER!!!)
Yesterday, Mom went in for a follow-up appointment. Dr. Mac, life-giving thoracic surgeon extraordinaire, said she was doing well. He recommended that she begin walking. She says she is often tired, but her recovery has been going smoothly. She’s also crazy tough! She’s only been taking her pain medication when she feels pain, and this started while she was still in the hospital. lol Two major and invasive surgeries in one day, and six days after - she’s weaning herself off of pain medicine.You realize her breastplate was also broken, right? Seriously. This woman is made of steel. lol And I, for one, couldn’t be more grateful.
To all of our family and family-friends. Your love, care, and support have carried us through this experience. Thank you for all your time, prayers, positive thoughts, magical assistance, and energy healing. You assisted in a miracle being granted for a woman we all love. We are forever grateful for you. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and will continue to do throughout her recovery. You are loved and cherished.
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!