This special offer is created for everyone who loves Dragons!
Inspired by the “My Journey Into The Dragon Realm” event
hosted by Neil Gaur of Portal To Ascension.
Who Are The Dragons?
Do you feel connected to Dragons?
Legendary tales are shared on Earth about these beautiful beings. But are these stories a true depiction of them and how they interact with us on Earth? I say no.
Today, many of us are experiencing and connecting with Dragons and our interactions with them are vastly different than the fairytales have taught us.
Instead, we’re being lovingly guided and supported by these wise and majestic beings. We’re also being called into a deeper connection with ourselves and our beautiful Gaia collective through our relationships with Dragons.

Are you ready to explore your connection and lives with Dragons?
Then review the very important Intention and Questions for a smooth Hypnosis Journey Into The Dragon Realm session.
Dragons are the Great Cosmic Wisdom Keepers.
Explore Your Dragon Connections
I believe each of us are inherently connected to Dragons who guide and assist us all along our journey. I also believe that connection began long before our human lives on Earth.
This hypnosis session is designed to connect you directly with your Dragon friends and family so you can innerstand your depth of connection and consciously connect with them during your waking reality and beyond.
Dragons have existed since time immemorial and are born with the entire wisdom and knowledge library of their species. What messages do your Dragons have for you today?
Access Your Lives With Dragons
Do you love Dragons? Are you ready to remember your lives and expressions in which you developed these connections?
This hypnosis session offers you the ability to tap in and experience yourself in the lives and expressions in which you are Dragon and/or Dragons are your friends and family.

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Message From Bridget…
Thank you for attending or replaying, “My journey into the Dragon realm” with Neil Gaur, founder of Portal To Ascension.
This session is in honor of all you beautiful Dragon lovers out there!
Are you ready to remember how you’re connected with Dragons and which Dragons are supporting and guiding you?
Hypnosis is a fantastic way to access the memories and lives held within your soul. Not just because it’s fun, although it is really fun! Also to bring the wisdom, knowledge, and masteries into this life’s expression.
And Dragons… They are The Great Cosmic Wisdom Keepers. So you can imagine how much information, insight, guidance, and direction they have to offer us —in addition to the love, support, multidimensional assistance, and healing they freely offer.
If you’re feeling called to work with dragons, I’m so excited to assist you in experiencing your Dragon lives and connecting with the Dragons who are guiding and supporting you. Also, really looking forward to co-creating in this way because it’s time to anchor and emanate more Dragon frequencies into this world!
If you’re feeling the inner nudge to experience one of these sessions with me… Is this the synchronicity you’ve been waiting to receive? If this is your opportunity, I am so excited for you!
Infinite Love!
Please review these, the Intention and Questions are very important for a smooth Hypnosis session.
On the day of your Hypnosis Journey Into The Dragon Realm session, spend some time with these intentions and questions.
As you do, think about them and allow yourself to feel a deep, congruent alignment with them. How deep is your desire?
How amazing will it feel when you’re communicating and connecting with your Dragon friends and family?
Are you excited to experience new lives and expressions which are connected to Dragons?
How will you use this knowledge and wisdom to uplift and support yourself and others?
Your High Self is listening, and this deep dive serves as your permission slip. Your intent to align yourself with these intentions and questions is observed by your High Self who will begin to prepare you for your journey as soon as you book this session.
I invoke my I Am presence, and my intention for this session is:
To open myself to my lives and expressions which are connected to Dragons.
To clear all programming, fears, blockages, beliefs, stories, and the unconscious and conscious patterning that limit my ability to communicate with Dragons and others within my Soul Team collective.
To integrate and anchor the codes, keys, frequencies, wisdom, knowledge, specializations and masteries connected to my relationships and lives with Dragons.
To be of service to all through accessing Dragon wisdom as well as my embodiment and connection with Dragons.
On the day of your session, familiarize and align yourself with these questions. They serve as focal points for the session.
I have a deep desire to clear all trauma, pain, programming, fears, blockages, beliefs, stories, and the unconscious and conscious patterning that limit my ability to communicate with Dragons and others within my Soul Team collective. May I do so now, on the deepest levels?
I have a deep desire to remember and experience the most appropriate lives as Dragons and expressions with Dragons. May I do so now, on the deepest levels?
I have a deep desire to connect deeply, know, and communicate with the Dragons who are assisting my journey this life. May I do so now, on the deepest levels?
Enter your first question into the intake form.
Enter your second question into the intake form.
Please review Technology Requirements. (This will say BQH, but is appropriate for any session with Bridget.)
Please review How to prepare for a session.
Online sessions are done the same as in-person sessions. All sessions with me are conducted via Zoom. Please view Technology Requirements for details about the technology you will need for an online session.
In this session, we connect to with Source and your High Self. We also bring in your Soul Team collective and connect with the benevolent Dragons who assist and guide your journey this life and in many others.
Before this session, you review the intention and questions that are above.
At the start of your session, the two of us will have a brief conversation and will go over your intuitional yes and no.
A hypnosis session designed to support you as you:Heal, Clear & Release
• To clear all programming, fears, blockages, beliefs, stories, and the unconscious and conscious patterning that limit your ability to communicate with Dragons and others within your Soul Team collective.
• To remember and experience the most appropriate lives as Dragons and expressions with Dragons.
• To connect deeply, know, and communicate with the Dragons who are assisting your journey this life.
The online hypnosis session may last up to 1.5 hours. This is followed by a brief conversation to begin to unpack and decode the wisdom and experiences you access within the hypnosis session.
Online sessions are highly successful, just as successful as in-person sessions. Prior to your online session, I connect to your energy, Source, High Self, and Soul Team.
When we meet together online, we work in the Quantum field where we go above and beyond traditional time and space limitations. -
Signup to be notified as soon other Special Event Hypnosis Sessions and 5D Freedom & Harmony Hypnosis Sessions become available.