Energy Exchange VS. Energy Grab And Stab
We all know at least one person who is always mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. Odds are, that person constantly vents about why they are feeling these emotions. Does this sound about right? Take a moment and think about how you feel after each conversation where they vent. I’m willing to bet that you usually feel pretty low, down, irritated, tired or generally upset.
Now, look at this from the other side… Think of a time where you consistently felt mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. After venting these emotions to someone else, you felt better. However, feeling better only lasted a short time. And once you stopped feeling better, you were in the same space as before — or worse!
We all know at least one person who is always mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. Odds are, that person constantly vents about why they are feeling these emotions. Does this sound about right? Take a moment and think about how you feel after each conversation where they vent. I’m willing to bet that you usually feel pretty low, down, irritated, tired or generally upset.
Now, look at this from the other side… Think of a time where you consistently felt mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. After venting these emotions to someone else, you felt better. However, feeling better only lasted a short time. And once you stopped feeling better, you were in the same space as before — or worse!
Next, think about a person you know who constantly picks verbal fights with other people. Have you ever witnessed or experienced someone who is determined to have a fight, encounter a person who gives them no reaction? One of the first things the “fighter” will do is escalate from an average argument to fighting with low blows, name calling, and mortal wound comments. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this moment, it usually leaves you feeling pretty crappy. I would say that feeling anger and a desire to fight back is the most common first reaction. Regardless of whether you fight back or not, the “fighter’s” actions leave you feeling sad, angry, betrayed, devastated, unworthy, unloved, etc.
Look at this from the other side, you are the fighter who is engaging someone and receives no response. After escalating, you feel powerful. After all, you’re “winning.” Though the emotional high from your win doesn’t last. A short time later, you're left feeling numb, guilt or destitute emotionally.
Then there is also the person who constantly has so much drama in their life. They always want to vent about that drama and how it effects them. Every conversation is about them, and their newest or longest running dramatic event or interaction. They repeatedly seek an audience and advice, almost as if they’re holding you hostage. And your job is to listen and absorb, then offer up your advice. And although you can feel good while you’re “helping” this person, you leave feeling drained, frustrated and tired.
Every interaction with another person holds an energy exchange. It can be mutual or forced. Mutual is a willing give and take. Both participants are actively and freely, giving and receiving. Forced is either, removed against your will or spewed upon you. Obviously, mutual exchanges are the way to go. They feel good, and the energy exchange feeds each person in a positive, lasting way.
Energetically, these socially dysfunctional moments look like people are either spewing their energy onto another (often enveloping them to siphon their energy) or are greedily ripping another person’s energy away from them. It’s pretty crazy that we have been taught to do this with one another. Forcefully adding or removing energy to and from another person’s energy field is a temporary fix at best. It reminds me of heroin addicts getting their fix. Their thirst for the high is never quenched. There will always have to be another fix. It is the same with the ridiculous energy, grab and stab, social interactions. We’ve all learned these behaviors, and employ them consistently. We've allowed these adopted behaviors to become so common that we rarely stop to think about what we are doing or how it works. And in this case, it doesn't actually benefit us or others. Without free and benevolent exchange, that energy isn’t ours to take, keep or use. So why do we continue this behavior? And why do we as adults and parents allow these out-dated, learned behaviors to continue to influence our children? It is nonsensical.
So, the moral to this blog is that, much like with sex… our daily interactions with people need to be made with consent, and from good intent. lol And, if you are feeling anger, depression or a need for attention — look within. Give whatever you need to yourself first. If you have time, meditate. Then simply ask a friend or loved one for more of what you need. Yes, it’s that simple. I’m sad, down, frustrated, depressed - I need unconditional love and a hug (at least 30 seconds long). Done.
We are taught that requesting such things shows weakness through vulnerability. But I believe it is quite the opposite. Making such requests shows strength, wisdom and an understanding of balance. So if any of you ever need unconditional love with a hug - I’m here for you!! lol
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!