In this new age, many of you are experiencing a drive for change within your life. These feelings have a deep relevance and are a call to action. I am here to assist and mentor you as you remember how to access your divine intuition and guidance, thriving within your life's purpose.
Hello Beautiful Starseeds and Awakened Beings!
Thank you for allowing me to be of service in your life. It is a true honor and pleasure.
Did you feel supported, uplifted, and assisted in your session with me? A testimonial is a wonderful way to express this to me. It also offers your feedback and encouragement to others who are considering a session for themselves. It should only take about 5 minutes. If supporting in this way is resonant, use the form found below or email bridget@bridgetreneeholliday.com with the following:
+ A 45-second or less audio file (.mp3) of you speaking.
+ A clear, portrait style selfie of you. Please let it be forward facing, include the top of your head/hair and the top of your shoulders (.jpg or .png).
In this audio recording, please include your name and the type of session you received.
Ex: Hello beautiful star family! My name is ______ ______ and I just had an amazing Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session with Bridget Renee Holliday.
Hello everyone! I'm _____ _____ and I want to share what I experienced in my One On One with Bridget session.
Then select 1-5 of the following that you feel most comfortable sharing:
What were your favorite things about the session?
How did you feel before, during, and after your session?
What were your key takeaways?
How have your perceptions shifted and expanded from co-creating with Bridget?
How has your life shifted and expanded since your session?
Then add:
What do you love most about connecting and working with Bridget?
Do you recommend working with Bridget? Why? Feel free to elaborate.
Check Out Testimonial Examples:
Customer Stories
Thank you for taking time to read this as well as record and send your testimonial to me. I am deeply grateful and excited to add yours to my site and socials!
I look forward to our next session. Until then, enjoy your journey!
Blessings of unconditional love, pure consciousness, and expansion.
Bridget Renee Holliday